SECURITY OFFICE LAYOUT & DESIGN: Our security specialists have spent thousands of hours in military security operations centers. This has imparted them with the knowledge of what works and what does not in a security office. Being able to operate systems quickly without having to ignore other systems is vital for fluid operations in a security office. Operable equipment, working communications, effective alarm and camera systems, and the proper positioning for all of these could mean the difference between identifying and halting threats and missing them entirely.
During our layout design, we will test any currently installed equipment and any equipment set to be installed. If everything is in working order, we will assist your team in positioning where each system should go and installing it as required. We will review weapons, key, and document storage areas to ensure they are up to our specifications.
Possessing working equipment is only part of the solution. Your security staff needs to fully understand how the installed systems work, if they integrate with each other, and how to fix any issues that present. We believe in an interactive process when designing or updating security office layouts and will include your security team in every step of the process. Taking their input into account, as well as our own experience, results in a better end product that will keep your team efficient and ahead of threats.
Maintenance is always a big issue, especially with specialized systems like those used for security. Waiting for execution of a maintenance contract can be time prohibitive. Because of this, we believe security staff should always know how to perform basic maintenance and testing of their equipment. Our team can design and implement testing and maintenance procedures for your security team that will ensure continued operations and coverage in the event a system goes down.