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Quality LESS-LETHAL WEAPONS TRAINING is required for your security personnel, or any other employees armed with less-lethal weapons to operate them properly and safely. Less-lethal weapons are a great alternative for organizations who do not wish to use firearms or wish to provide their security team with options other than deadly force. Our instructors are certified by various DoD and civilian organizations like the USMC Interservice Nonlethal Weapons Instructor Course, The USAF Basic Combatives Instructor Course, and Axon.


COLLAPSIBLE BATON: The collapsible baton is one of the most recognizable and commonly used less-lethal weapons in the world. Its ease of use and ability to be used as a psychological deterrent as well as a less-lethal weapon provide security personnel with a range of options for dealing with threats. In our baton class, we teach maintenance procedures, nomenclature, safety procedures, where to strike an individual, fighting stances, baton strike techniques, blocking techniques, weapon retention techniques, post-strike medical care, and reporting procedures. Our course includes multiple training scenarios and exercises developed to stress-test the security officer and demonstrate their retention of learned techniques.

AXON X26/M26 TASER: Another very popular less-lethal weapon due to its decreased likelihood of causing a fatal reaction, Tasers are a valuable tool that should be added to every security officer’s less-lethal arsenal. Tasers do not work by “shocking” an individual as so often portrayed in media. They work by achieving Neuro-Muscular Incapacitation by delivering a directed charge along a subject’s nervous system. This temporarily prevents their body from receiving commands from their brain giving security officers vital seconds in which to apply restraints and secure the individual. We show your security team how to operate and maintain a Taser, how to employ the weapon, how to reload, what areas to target, what situations in which Taser employment should or should not be used, post-use medical care, as well as several training scenarios and exercises built to test a security officer’s capabilities and retention of material.

OC SPRAY: Oleoresin Capsicum Spray (or OC spray) is a chemical less-lethal weapon that is derived from chili peppers. The capsaicin (the chemical that causes a pepper to be hot) is extracted, concentrated, aerosolized, and placed into a delivery device. The capsaicin in the OC spray is a significant irritant to human tissue and very effective as a deterrence and compliance method when dealing with a hostile or aggressive individual. The chemical irritant is not deadly but causes a significant amount of pain that can interrupt a hostile individual’s actions, gaining security officers time to react appropriately and gain a position of advantage. We teach proper operation methods for various types of OC spray, how to employ the OC spray, in what situations it should or should not be employed, how to subdue a subject after application, OC spray safety, and post-use medical care. We then provide training exercises and scenarios designed to test the student’s abilities and retention of course materials.

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