FUNDS PROTECTION/ESCORT TRAINING is becoming increasingly important in the modern world. Money is most vulnerable while it is being transported away from your facility. Having procedures in place to protect your cash, and the proper training on how to do so can make the difference in your people returning home safely and your money arriving intact. Most companies used armored truck services, but for those who do not wish to or cannot afford to, this course is designed for your security staff. Using our experience gained from operating funds escort convoys, weapons escort convoys, asset protection, personnel protection, and threat evasion courses, we designed this class to elevate your security staff into the ultimate funds protection professionals.
FUNDS PROTECTION TRAINING: Our funds protection training is tailored to your organization’s exact needs and based on the amount of money collected and stored at your facilities as well as your current handling procedures. We can look at these procedures if desired and suggest ways to improve upon them or build our training program around the existing ones. We assess funds storage locations, safes or vaults, defensive measures, as well as other high cash value assets, and determine any vulnerabilities. Based on all of this information, we teach your security team how to properly secure, transfer, store, and defend your organization’s monetary and valuable assets. We also demonstrate how to provide the best security possible while transferring funds to an armored transport company as this can be one of the most vulnerable moments for your funds other than transport. Using our philosophy of defensive layer overlap, we ensure that your security personnel always overlap their protection efforts with those of any outside organization to ensure full security coverage.
FUNDS ESCORT TRAINING: As mentioned above, money is at the most risk while being transferred. Because of this, your security team must be provided with the training and knowledge that will allow them to provide the ultimate security for your monetary assets. We provide training on escort procedures, convoy operations, asset protection, threat evasion techniques, route planning, communications procedures, threat denial, ambush evasion, follow-on response, and hand-off procedures. We take your people through the process starting from retrieving the funds from a vault all the way to dropping it off at its final destination and provide tools and techniques for a variety of situations that may occur along their route. Our funds escort training is developed with your organization’s inputs to ensure that we fully meet your funds escort needs.